Things to learn from sports

14. November 2014 / Katrin Wellenberg

Success is a matter of hard work and strong beliefs! One mistake we tend to make is working too much…overworking results in outcomes with a poor quality.

Truth be told, that we can actually learn a lot from sports. Working out or training to become a fast runner  or an athlete require discipline, regular training units and hard work. Results will show soon if you are willing to sacrificeup to an hour  or so every other day.



If you want to see fast results in business,  try following these three simple rules:

1) Plan ahead

As with any objective you must lay out a roadmap with step by step instructions and a detailed timetable. If you start running purposeless, you will soon lose track of your actual prospects which will lead to discouragement.
Learn to plan every day wisely. Learn to not waste time by answering e-mails as soon as they land in your inbox…instead plan to answer any e-mail that is not marked a priority in the morning, after lunch or in the evening. Do not let other people mess up your agenda – remember- this is your game!  Also, stay focussed. Time is money, which is why you should make sure not to lose time by going to meetings across town every other day. Instead try bundling all your meetings so they all fit into one or two days. Focus on your core tasks. Always. Full stop.

2) Take little steps

Make sure to take onse step at a time. There is no rush to run to the finish line all at once. Rush it and you will stumble. Walk a fast pace and you will arrive at full power! Success is something you have to earn, not grab! Also remember: Focussing on a task for two hours straight at full power, will satisfy you more than dealing with it half-heartedly over four hours. Feel the difference! You will feel more energized after a high intensity unit!

3) Make time for recreation

As with any sports you must not forget about recreation. After a hard day of training, your body needs and deserves some rest. Same goes for work. People tend to work too much, making it difficult to deliver high quality results. Taking enough time off from work is crucial for your creativity, productivity and for your social connectivity. Make sure to block away those hours for yourself and do not waste your time thinking about work.

4) Pull through

Giving up is easy to do. Unfortunately in business we tend to give up too soon. As is with working out, you must accept that it might take months to see results and years to become better than the competition. In business people expect to see results right away. This is against the laws of nature. Remember: Cause and Effect are linked by Time!

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